Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trophy Trout

Large Trophy Trout are starting to stack up at cold water sources.608-434-1566 trapafox@hotmail.com


  1. Show me the big trout photos? You caught a 27" or something you said recently?

  2. Maybe he is mixing things up and the big trout caught him, let's asked the trout if she has pictures....

  3. Sorry, no pictures were taken. No camera along. That Trout was released very quickly. The Trout was seen by many locals and Jimmy Chance of Portage Wisconsin. A week later on the same creek, I had a follow from a hookjaw that was much bigger.A year or two later, the late Dave Colt had a fish on my Steelhead rod that was larger than 27 inches. His family still talks about that outing. Dave IS the first wisc. state record holder for inland Rainbow. That fish too, was caught in the Avalanche area


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