Wednesday, July 28, 2010

This one will raise hell with your tackle

Poor photo. Check out the size compared to the lure

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Welcome to Trapper's Guide Service. We are located in Avalanche Wisconsin along the West Fork of the Kickapoo River. I guide for Trout in Vernon ,Crawford, Monroe and Crawford Counties, which are located in western Wisconsin in an area known as The Driftless Area. The D.A. has hills and valleys. These counties are noted for some of the best Trout fishing in the Midwest. I started Trout fishing here 45 years ago at 5 years of age. My vast experiance of Trout fishing assures you of a wonderful trip. Every year for the past 20 years, I have help release wild strain Trout in streams throughout the area. This program is a DNR/local sports club/co-op program. Over 150,000 of wild Trout I have helped plant so far. This year the total Trout released by area clubs was around 14,000.
I also keep as eye and ear open to Trophy Trout that live in area streams. Some of my favorite spots to fish for bigger Trout are where colder streams enter warmer streams.A few degrees difference in water temp make a huge difference The Trout stack up in these spots this time of year. Perhaps now is the time for you to catch your Trophy Trout. Fly, spin and bait fisherpersons are all welcome. Please refer to earlier post. I will post some pictures soon. I dropped my Sony in the West Fork. Not much hope for it.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rain and more Rain

It would seem that mother nature decided we needed more. 2 more inches here in Avalanche with maybe some more on the way. Creeks and rivers are very high now. This is Thursday evening. When the water level starts to get back to normal, fishin will be great.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trophy Trout

Large Trophy Trout are starting to stack up at cold water sources.608-434-1566

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Answer
Some of you have come here looking for the answer from the comment I posted in the Milwaukee Journal. About 20 years ago I transfered my 3 fish limit of urban pond fishing, 9 times in the creek at the Saukville Rifle and Pistol Club. This creek starts on my old trapline ,flows through the rifle club , through River's Edge Nature Center and then dumps into the Milwaukee River.The old RENC director stated to me at one of the first water monitoring meetings about the natural reproduction of Rainbows in the creek.That first meeting was here,,in Avalanche, 15 plus years ago. I informed her about how they got there. Years later, I was remodeling the old DNR fiels station in Plymonth,Wi and asked the area fish Biolgist, John Nelson, how I could do this, and the DNR could not. No answer. John is one hell of a nice guy, very honest and a great fish manager. I.E.= Onion River. This was an illigal act. To many years have gone by for me to worry about it. With the advent of VHS, do not do this yourself. In the past 20 years, I have helped stock over 150,000 wild stain Trout through clubs/DNR co-op program.Have questions?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The area streams are in great shape. Spring flows are up. This is the time of the year to target big trout. Night fishing has been great this past weekend.
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